

Kaihua industrial rock wool pipe


Kaihua rock wool pipe is a kind of rock wool pipe produced to meet the specification requirements of large industrial users. It is suitable for high temperature and high pressure steam pipe, turbine, steam heating and other industrial equipment. It plays an important role in maintaining constant temperature of equipment, protecting personal safety, preventing condensation and reducing noise. At the same time, it has excellent non flammability and waterproof performance, which can reliably extend the service life of the insulated pipeline



抚顺市| 伊川县| 盱眙县| 女性| 黄冈市| 宁安市| 潢川县| 屯门区| 桦南县| 辰溪县| 安徽省| 宝丰县| 蓝山县| 巨野县| 兴城市| 龙州县| 云梦县| 琼中| 浙江省| 伊通| 景谷| 黎川县| 加查县| 江阴市| 昌乐县| 咸宁市| 沈丘县| 许昌市| 积石山| 白山市| 黔江区| 印江| 旺苍县| 手机| 建始县| 申扎县| 山阳县| 通化县| 库车县| 仪陇县| 大田县|