

Hunan Weima automobile


Project time: 2020-2021
Product type: high strength roof rock wool board
Supply quantity: Hengyang Weima automobile (about 300000 square meters)
Mianyang Weima automobile (about 400000 square meters)
The new energy intelligent manufacturing industrial park construction project of Weima automobile technology (Hengyang) Co., Ltd. is contracted by the Fifth Construction Engineering Branch of MCC Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. the construction period of the project is 420 calendar days, and the total construction area is about 315771 square meters. All civil engineering works of supporting construction plant, quality inspection station, storage charging shed, catering center, waste warehouse, oil chemical warehouse, step-down station, management center, canteen, activity center, shift dormitory, finished product parking area, guard room, fence, equipment foundation, municipal road, pipe network, plant greening and other related ancillary facilities, etc.



渑池县| 高安市| 阿合奇县| 积石山| 通化市| 新竹市| 淳化县| 商城县| 太康县| 内江市| 临邑县| 贵港市| 浪卡子县| 巨鹿县| 高台县| 墨江| 和政县| 灵武市| 睢宁县| 临漳县| 新密市| 清苑县| 定远县| 师宗县| 青岛市| 广宁县| 达尔| 万年县| 德阳市| 五家渠市| 衡东县| 泾阳县| 凤山县| 巩留县| 芷江| 喀什市| 宝坻区| 乐昌市| 武胜县| 宝清县| 全南县|