

Hunan Weima automobile


Project time: 2020-2021
Product type: high strength roof rock wool board
Supply quantity: Hengyang Weima automobile (about 300000 square meters)
Mianyang Weima automobile (about 400000 square meters)
The new energy intelligent manufacturing industrial park construction project of Weima automobile technology (Hengyang) Co., Ltd. is contracted by the Fifth Construction Engineering Branch of MCC Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd. the construction period of the project is 420 calendar days, and the total construction area is about 315771 square meters. All civil engineering works of supporting construction plant, quality inspection station, storage charging shed, catering center, waste warehouse, oil chemical warehouse, step-down station, management center, canteen, activity center, shift dormitory, finished product parking area, guard room, fence, equipment foundation, municipal road, pipe network, plant greening and other related ancillary facilities, etc.



抚州市| 那坡县| 隆尧县| 莲花县| 玉龙| 溧水县| 老河口市| 墨玉县| 宁明县| 天门市| 贵州省| 博客| 锡林郭勒盟| 高雄县| 黎城县| 林州市| 贵溪市| 横峰县| 化德县| 理塘县| 兴宁市| 呼和浩特市| 阿勒泰市| 蒙自县| 拜城县| 广宗县| 民丰县| 屯留县| 台山市| 永和县| 三门县| 巴马| 连南| 秭归县| 克东县| 青铜峡市| 渝北区| 红原县| 施甸县| 雅江县| 加查县|