

Kaihua agricultural rock wool


Kaihua agricultural rock wool is an agricultural soilless culture substrate made of natural rock wool ore; it is non-toxic and harmless, small weight, large porosity, water retention, strong water absorption, water and soil saving, which is the best choice for soilless culture and suitable for large-scale application of modern agriculture.



台南县| 华宁县| 日照市| 吉木乃县| 乐清市| 皋兰县| 农安县| 资源县| 彝良县| 金寨县| 湘阴县| 土默特左旗| 柞水县| 仁布县| 施秉县| 陆河县| 南陵县| 临城县| 南溪县| 江都市| 安西县| 晴隆县| 体育| 塔河县| 南康市| 桑植县| 荣成市| 垫江县| 钦州市| 勐海县| 英德市| 济源市| 师宗县| 临桂县| 龙南县| 临汾市| 兴山县| 南投市| 尼木县| 罗源县| 阜康市|